Integrated Amplifiers or AV Receivers: Which One Is The Right Choice For My Home Setup?

Integrated Amplifiers or AV Receivers: Which One Is The Right Choice For My Home Setup?

One of the most common questions that we encounter at MKB is: Should we buy an amplifier or a receiver for my home setup? For some, it may seem so basic, but for others, it looks like a million-dollar question.

Each serves a distinct purpose and caters to different audio purposes and needs. Understanding their difference is crucial to making the right decision that aligns with your audio preferences, room setup, and intended usage scenarios. 

To address this query once and for all, we have prepared this in-depth blog. Here, we will understand the key difference between amplifiers and receivers and explore why you need them for your home audio setup. 

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Important Read:  Buy AV Receivers Dubai: Why You Need a DENON Receiver in Your Home Theater Setup

What Is An Integrated Amplifier?

In layman terms, an amplifier is an electrical device that is used to boost the amplitude of electrical signals. The primary reason behind using DENON amplifiers is for sound reproduction. An amplifier, in its simplest form, is an electric device used to increase the intensity of electrical signals.

Integrated amplifiers refers to an audio device that is mostly used for two-channel stereo sound that incorporates a preamp and a power amplifier. It comes with inputs for various devices like turntable, CD player, or network players. They are also used to provide power to passive speakers since passive speakers don't have their own in-built power supply. 

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What Are AV Receivers?

An AV Receiver or (Audio/Visual Receiver) like  DENON AV Receiver is an amplifier on steroids. Compared to two channels found in regular amplifiers, a receiver has the capability to 5, 7, 11 or even 13 different channels. The device can also handle video, typically via an HDMI connector. It doesn't differ much from amplifiers in terms of appearance - because they both come with big, black boxes. But the difference lies in terms of their power, number of channels, and features. DENON receivers offer ample features like Bluetooth, wireless, room correction, and more.

What Is The Basic Difference Between An Integrated Amplifier and an AV Receiver?

An integrated amplifier is a two-way channel amplifier that is used to power speakers, allows you to select your audio source, and helps control volume. An EV Receiver is an amplifier which comes with an in-built tuner which routes video signals to the desired displays. An  EV Receiver can power between 5 to 15 channels, delivering an immersive surrounding sound experience. 

All receivers can be considered as amplifiers, but not amplifiers can be considered as receivers.

Why Should You Choose An Integrated Amplifier?

If you want a unit that can handle both audio and video sources for you - then you need an AV Receiver. But if you do need to listen to your turntable or any other Hi-Fi gear, then an amplifier is the best option. An integrated amplifier tends to be smaller. Audiophiles often say an integrated amplifier can transform your soundstage from "OK" into brilliant.

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Why Do You Need An AV Receiver?

If you want an immersive home theater experience with your Denon Home Theater, an AV Receiver is essential. It performs the function like a central hub,  managing audio and video inputs from various sources like Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, and streaming devices. Its primary function is to drive surround sound speakers, enhancing movie and music playback. Additionally, AV receivers support advanced audio formats (like Dolby Atmos) and offer features like HDMI switching, room calibration, and wireless connectivity. This ensures seamless integration and optimal performance of your home entertainment system, providing a richer, more engaging audiovisual experience.  


Integrated amplifiers and AV speakers both come with their own set of functions and advantages. As mentioned before, you need to assess your needs first to understand which one aligns with your audio needs. Anytime you need help choosing the right audio system for your home, MKB experts are always ready to help! 

Shop DENON amplifier in Dubai from MKB today!

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